
  France is loved by travelers of all stripes. Romance and passion that embody France, embodied in the works of architects Loire Valley castles, Carcassonne, palaces of Versailles and Fontainebleau. Unique landscapes of Burgundy, Provence as fresh and gorgeous, like hundreds of years ago. World famous gourmet resorts Azure coast of Aquitaine, Normandy, Vichy involve and entail. Of course, the French unrivaled gastronomy. It was in France you can try these dishes from the "golden world fund" kullinarii. What good are the pate "Foie Gras" and Bordeaux wine Burgindii, Shaipaniyu. And the city of love - Paris ... Decided - we go to France!

The capital, largest city:
Paris (Paris) Marseille (Marseille), Lyon (Lyon), Toulouse (Toulouse), Nice (Nice), Strasbourg (Strasbourg).
Aeroflot and Air France operates daily scheduled flights to Paris and Nice. Charter flights STC "Russia" from "Vnukovo" airport Beauvais (80 km from Paris). Duration of flight from Moscow to Paris for about 3 hours and 50 minutes. From June to September, flying charters Moscow - Genoa (city in Italy). Transfer from Genoa to Nice will take 2.5-3 hours

Moderate sea, in the east - the transition to a continental, on the Mediterranean - subtropical. Summer is quite hot (in July and August, +20 .. +25 ° C), mild winters (in January from 0 ° C to +3 ° C) and very wet, snow is rare. The best time to visit Paris - May and September-October, and the French Riviera - June and September.
Corsica is long and hot summer from May to October, +21 .. +27 ° C, and winter is relatively cold (from +6 .. +14 ° C in the valleys to -6 ° C in the mountains), on the slopes is snow until June. The best months to enjoy the Corsica - May-June and September-October.
Urban transport of most French cities - buses, trams, and sometimes local trains. Taxis are two rates: the rate "A» (0.61 EUR / km) is valid from Monday to Saturday from 7:00 to 19:00, and the tariff of "B" (3 EUR / km) operates on weekends and holidays, as well as at night . Landing - only on special parking or taxi by phone. Landing in a taxi costs 2 EUR, each piece of baggage - 0,9 EUR. At ski resorts ski pass allows you to use buses for skiers (ski bus) for free. Buses run from 8:00 to 24:00.

In France, there is no category 5 * hotel, only 1 *, 2 *, 3 *, 4 * and 4 * luxe. In the "kopeck piece" rooms are very small, and "trehzvezdniki" differ large differences in prices and quality. The best of them may well be equated to the European "quartet". French 4 * - it's convenient bred in center with bars, restaurants, beautiful halls and salons. Many resort hotels in this category, there is also a swimming pool and a sauna. In general, the maximum is done to ensure that the client spent more time at the hotel. 4 * Luxe & Palaces - the highest category in France. Each of the hotel - a story in which almost inevitably featured celebrities. In most Paris hotel breakfast room is in the basement. However, in this case it refers solely to its position relative to the other floors: rooms are always bright, cozy and in no way resembles a real cellar. Group tours to Paris lodge, usually in the Ninth District. This is a business district, rather quiet, except for the famous Pigalle (northern regions) sex shopami "peep shows", etc. If the tour bus, possibly placing a ring road. Accommodation in the outer suburbs, where there are subway stations, should be stipulated in advance, and it is usually less.

Banks are open from 10:00 to 17:00, exchange offices - from 9:00 to 18:00. In tourist centers have exchangers, working until midnight, in other places round the clock "exchangers" malo.Samy very favorable exchange rate - in the Bank de France and exchange offices with a sign «No commission» («no-fee"). Kiosks in airports, hotels and train stations do not give the most favorable rate, plus a percentage is taken for the operation.

Shops are open daily, except Sunday, from 10:00 to 19:00. At ski resorts - from 10:00 to 12:00 and 16:00 to 20:00 on weekends they only work in the "high" season. In Paris boutiques of famous fashion houses are located on Avenue Montaigne and the Faubourg Saint-Honore. The most popular places to shop are the famous "Galeries Lafayette" and "Printemps" (located next to the Place de l'Opera). From France usually bring wine, cheese, perfumes and cosmetics (but not "out of the stall"), antique trinkets. On Monday, many shops are open later than usual. Small private shops often close for lunch between 13:00 and 15:00. When you purchase goods from one store to the amount of 185 EUR you can get a refund of VAT (TVA), which is 20.6% (33% on luxury goods) and is included in the price of many commodities. Or return the money to the customs at the border - on presentation of the check and the goods or a check will be sent to the place of residence and cashed at the bank.
In restaurants lunch from 12:00 to 15:00 Dinner - 19:00 to 23:00. At other times, it offers cold snacks. In a cafe or restaurant waiter will approach about 15 minutes, the duration of dinner should expect about half an hour. In cafes, bars and some restaurants are cheaper to eat and drink at the bar than at a table. Usually indicated two prices: «au comptoir» (at the bar) and "a salle» (at the table). The restaurants made to order something solid. If you just want to eat, it is best to look at one of the cafes with the inscription «Brasserie». Lunch it will cost approximately 15 EUR, and lunch hours are not strictly limited. In the Latin Quarter restaurants are open until morning. Chinese restaurants are always open. Many cafés offer a set menu for lunch - it's cheaper. French themselves like the weather is nice snack in the parks huge sandwiches - cut across the loaves with different fillings. Sold such "Butera" at every turn. Inexpensive, tasty, but if abused - then not only will pall, so more and digestion can be upset.

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